Million Dollar Nile




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Million Dollar Nile

Million Dollar Nile plays high energy original bluegrass, folk, and rockabilly with traditional bluegrass instruments and three-part harmony. In a style influenced by Nickel Creek, The Avett Brothers and Old Crow Medicine Show, the quintet is known for their highly entertaining shows and often humorous lyrics.

Million Dollar Nile beginnings

Million Dollar Nile started like many great love affairs do — as “just friends.” Dan invited his for­mer school­mate Matt and his neigh­bor Nicole to get together weekly and play blue­grass cov­ers. The three musi­cians bonded over their com­mon love of Nickel Creek, Bob Dylan, Gillian Welch, Old Crow Med­i­cine Show, and basi­cally any­thing that could be played with stringed instru­ments and three-part harmony.

A few months later Million Dollar Nile began writ­ing songs, and each brought their unique fla­vor to song­writ­ing: Dan’s catchy melodies, Nicole’s poetic lyrics, and Matt’s abil­ity to cap­ture any genre from rasta-baltic to sea shanties. They dis­cov­ered a com­mon theme in their pas­sion for envi­ron­men­tal issues, and now write songs about every­thing from energy con­ser­va­tion to think­ing your phone is ring­ing in your pocket when it’s not. Finally, they invited Doug and Chris­t­ian to join the band on bass and drums and their sound was complete.

Million Dollar Nile venues

Since their formation in 2007, Million Dollar Nile has played many of Seattle's top venues including the Tractor Tavern, The Crocodile, and Northwest Folklife Festival. Their first full-length album was released in 2009. The band donates all profits from CD sales to environmental non-profits.

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Country United States
City Seattle
State/Province Washington
Performer Type Musical Act

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