- Sample Carol of the Bells
- Sample Christmas Song
- Sample Deck the Halls
- Sample Joy to the World
- Sample Let It Snow
- Sample White Christmas
- Sample Winter Wonderland
- Sample Chipmunk Song
New York Carolers 3
These one-of-a-kind, experienced New York Carolers have been entertaining audiences since 1986. All 32 songs are sung from memory so they can spread holiday cheer and make eye-contact with your guests. This sets them apart from other groups who are buried in their music books during their sets. Our Victorian Carolers have sung all over the world in countless events, most notably onboard the Disney Train Tour promoting the film, “A Christmas Carol” with Jim Carrey; and counting down the lighting of the famous Christmas lights in London with the mayor of London himself, Boris Johnson.
New York Carolers professionalism
All of our New York Carolers are based in New York City and they are professional actors as well with extensive Broadway and National Tour credits enabling our distinctive Dickens characters to come alive through song and banter; transporting our audiences to a different place and time.
New York Carolers members
With 16 singers thoroughly rehearsed and on-call from Thanksgiving through New Year’s, we are prepared to handle any event large or small. Don’t hesitate to contact us today for background, featured, sing-along or strolling entertainment!