Mariachi Mexico

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Mariachi Mexico

Bring The Heart and Soul Of Mexico To Your Special Event With Mariachi Mexico! No Passports Required. Here’s your opportunity to jump on board and bring the rich and lively sounds of Mexico to your special events. Much more than just a performance, this group is a total experience!

A Fun and Lively Show That’s Perfect For Your Special Event. This authentic group specializes in performing their exciting music at private events resorts, festivals, arts series and concerts. In addition to their music, this one-of-a-kind show is not only entertaining but can be informational as well. Mariachi Mexico will leave your guests with a positive and long lasting impression.

Mariachi Mexico performance

Fun, interactive audience participation (your guests will not only listen to a great show but take part in it as well). Colorful and Authentic costuming (these really bring the spirit of Mexico alive on your stage). Diverse and traditional instruments (including Guitarron, Accordion, Bajo Sexto, Trumpet and Guitar).

Exciting and Romantic music (many of Mariachi Mexico's songs are internationally famous). Humor (because laughter creates fun and makes it memorable). Multi-cultural awareness (when your guests leave they will have a new understanding and deep appreciation for Mexican music and culture)

Mariachi Mexico repertoire

Cielito Lindo
De Colores
Solamente Una Vez
Las Mañanitas (Mexican happy birthday song)
La Cucaracha
Besame Mucho
La Paloma
La Bamba
Alla En El Rancho Grande

Mariachi Mexico can Be Featured In The Following Ways:
As a main stage act
They can stroll around providing background music in the Mariachi tradition
They can perform an interactive and educational show

Related Listings

Country United States
City Seattle
State/Province Washington
Performer Type Musical Act

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