Italian Opera Singer 1

  • Italian Opera Singer 1
  • Italian Opera Singer 1
  • Italian Opera Singer 1



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Italian Opera Singer 1

This Italian Opera Singer was born in Milan. He started to sing when he was a child and he dedicated himself to the composition of songs since he was fifteen. He likes Italian pop music and in particular songwriters as well as the great tradition of Italian Romanze. He studied the art of singing and he plays guitar, which is the instrument he usually uses for the composition of his songs.

Italian Opera Singer events

In 2000, this Italian Opera Singer composed "Corri e Vai" dedicated to L. Isolani a Ferrari's Rally driver. In the same year, this song was presented in a performance at Motor Show of Bologna. In 2001, he sang for the concert of Edoardo Vianello during "La vita in diretta" a television programme of Raiuno Italy. In 2003 he was the protagonist of "Ci ritorni in mente" a tribute to Lucio Battisti an Italian songwriter.

In 2004, he realized "Tra la terra e il cielo" a concert of Christmas traditional songs for Piano and voice. In the same year, he was in Germany for a Tour with Usi e Costumi an Italian pop music band. Also in 2004, he recorded Adeste Fidelis. This song was inserted and distributed by an independent Italian music company.

In 2005, Rai tre News dedicated a special to this Italian Opera Singer. In the same summer, he wrote Sotto le Stelle and he published a cd. The cd called Canzoni sotto le stelle was played in several radios. Christmas 2005, he wrote and published "Tutto il Mondo è Natale". Singing partner of this song was André, a Hip Pop singer from Ghana. The profits of this song were given in favor of a non profit benefit association Aicu (Associazione Italiana Carlo Urbani). In 2005, he performed in Ancona during the concert of the last day of the Year. There were 30.000 people in attendance.

In 2006, this Italian Opera Singer wrote Champions for Peace champions for Love the song was show at Olympic Turin 2006. In the video-clip of this song appears the athlete Kwame and he was the testimonial of Medici Senza Frontiere. In 2006, he composed in spanish “Recuerdo de pasion“. The song was recorded by Novotono and distribuited by Hitland. In June 2006, he was guest of Pigro Tribute and festival dedicate to Ivan Graziani. He presented his song “20 Anni Università”.it was very appreciated by the public.

In August 2006, this Italian Opera Singer sang Ave Maria by F. Schubert in Loreto’s Basilica. In September 2006 he performed to “Se rinasco canto” a television programme of Raidue and Rai International. Eventually in 2007 he realized his first album published by Centotre.

In July 2007 this Italian Opera Singer made an official presentation to the Italian Parliament, singing the song Non ci sto (Datura remix). The song was chosen by the National Forum of Young People, and by Assogiovani, as official song for the campaign Basta un attimo, promoting road safety, especially in view of the Saturday night phenomenon which claims hundreds of young lives every year. This year he has also published his first album Salta nel mio cuore, edited by 103 and distributed by Delta Dischi Milano.

In June 2011 this Italian Opera Singer sings Inno Di Mamel In Worldvision RAI, for the volley game Italy-Cuba
In 2012 he participated to the National tv programme of RETE 4 "Quarto Grado"
In 2013 he effectued a tour in Moscow Russia in the best Italian restaurant
In 2013 he performs in the best 5 star Hotel of Tenerife Canarian Island Espana

Italian Opera Singer performances

In 1999 Concert in college University of Bordeaux France
In 2000 During Ester holiday Castelsardo Alghero Sardinia italy in "rasciada club" International guests
In 2000 Live Performance In Motor Show Bologna
In 2000 Summer Hotel Spiaggia Romea in lido delle Nazioni "Ferrara" Italy
In 2001 Winters Holiday in Hotel Sella Nevea Alpi Giulie Tarvisio (Italy) International guests
In 2002 Residence and Hotel "Serena Majestic" Montesilvano Pescara Italy
In 2003 Concert with the band in Borg auf Fheman Hamburg Germany . Pizzeria bella vista"
In 2004 Concert in Madrid For Erasmus Party University Complutense Spain
In 2004 Hotel 4 star la Meridiana Urbino (Pu) international guests
In 2005 Hotel 4 star residence De angelis Village Numana (An) Italy with Samarcanda Show Agency
In 2005 september concert with Albano Carrisi in San Paolo Jesi (An), Ancona, Termoli Italy
In 2008 Concert in Piper Club Rome Italy
In 2007 concert in Malta with orchestra ( malta tv )
In 2007 Live performance a Hotel Exedra Rome "le marche in vetrina"
In 2007 Live perrformaces In Festa dello studente Urbino Italy International events
In 2009 Concert in disco club Diviaca in Albany
In 2009 Live perfromance in Super Summer Games San Benedetto del tronto International event Italy
In 2010 Live performance in Gran Galà L'Aquila square Italy
In 2010 Concer in teatro dehon Napoles Marechiaro international guests
in 2012 live in Sheraton hotel club de pins Algeri
in 2012 Live in the bests italian restaurant in Moscow
in 2013 Live show in the best 5 stars hotel of Tenerife Canaria Island Spain (anthelia, Grand tacande, costa adeje gran hotel

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Country Italy
City - Other/International -
State/Province - Other/International -
Performer Type Musical Act

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